Home > Uncategorized > Laser cutter assignment (Martin Bach Nielsen)

Laser cutter assignment (Martin Bach Nielsen)

For my laser-cutter assignment, I wanted to make a type of cut outs in the theme of mechanics (gears, cogs, tools etc), but still try to keep the individual pieces as universal as possible. This way, the cutouts could be used to create many different things, and not be specific pieces for a specific puzzle.
I started out with a few concept drawings seen here:


The “gear” like pieces have “hooks” in them in 8 different places on a full circle. The “wrench” pieces also have 8, but placed quite differently, 2 in the middle and 3 in each end. In the concept phase, the gears also had little rounded “U’s” in them. This was meant to be a place to put something like pneumatic pipes/hoses, but these were later discarded due to time constraints and laser cutter frustration 🙂
I then proceeded to draw them in 3DS max, and then got to redraw them in Autodesk due to software differences and the way they individually interpret splines.

Here is a picture of the final two pieces. They didnt really turn out the way I had hoped, but alot of time went into actually producing them:)

And a picture of the final result. A fierce mechanic monstrosity made from these pieces.

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