Home > mea10732 > BlinkM Individual Assignment [Keyboard Trainer] – Daniel Collado

BlinkM Individual Assignment [Keyboard Trainer] – Daniel Collado

For my individual assignment using the BlinkM, I also used the Keyboard as input device.The application is a typing trainer, which calculates the time the user needs to type some colors given by the BlinkM LED.

The mechanic is the following:

  1. Run the application
  2. Immediatly, a random color will be displayed on the BlinkM LED
  3. The user must type the right letters as fast as possible
  4. If the letters have been typed correctly, the time spent on the task is displayed.

Right now the possible colors are red green and blue, but adding new colors wouldn’t be a problem. If any of the letters introduced on the keyboard are wrong, a message is displayed warinng the user about it, and the application ends.

Here you have a video of the testing:

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