
Archive for September, 2010

mea10730 Rene Olesen and Casper Slynge Sensor assignment

September 28, 2010 Leave a comment

For our sensor assignment, we have chosen to create a dynamically controlled light show (e.g. for sport events). The light is controlled by the audio frequencies in the surrounding environment, displaying different colours, based on the average pitch level.

The purpose of doing this is to heighten the experience of going to a sport event, by involving the spectators actively.

We began by sketching the concept, which can be seen in the following images:

This video shows a primitive but functional prototype. As seen in the video, different auditive gestures (clap, whistle, cheering) will affect the LED and thereby display various colors:

And this animation visualizes the concept in use:

If this concept were to be implemented one could imagine a series of options, e.g. competition inbetween the spectators to support their team the best.


Rene Olesen and Casper Slynge

Categories: mea10730

Hello world!

September 15, 2010 1 comment

Hi All, Let’s get this website going! I look forward to seeing your work in CDPT presented here.  Please note that in the case of group assignments, you should categorize your blog posts according to your group number.  For individual assignments, just leave your post “uncategorized”.

Best regards,


Categories: Uncategorized